Vang Kao
board member
Kao was born in the village of Ban Nam Nhom, province of Xiengkhouang, Laos. He attended the College of Lycee de Vientiane, Laos, and honorably graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics. Kao enrolled in the Military Cadets School of the National Royal Lao Army at Fort Phonekheng in Vientiane, Laos. Subsequently in August 1974, as a scholar, he received a prestigious scholarship to attend the French Army Officers School in Lyon, France. He successfully completed his military studies/training and graduated with the rank of a French Lieutenant Officer in 1977. Kao was a teacher in French National Education and taught French to diverse migrants. He also worked for the Technique & Vulgarisation Company and Transportation for Tourism as a manager in Paris. Kao, his wife, and a son recently migrated to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to be closer to his brothers, sisters, and friends while operating his own business.