Col. Nao Leng Vue
Board Member
Colonel Nao Leng Vue serves as USNDC Aide de Camp and Deputy Commander, 7th USNDC Division, Colorado. He also served in the Lao-Hmong SGU as a LT. He was elected and serves as VUE Clan President for the United States.
Nao Leng Vue was born in Laos and graduated from Xaphavous Academic Military School at Vientiane, Laos as a second lieutenant where he served in the military service from 1970-1975 before immigrating to the United States. His family was sponsored by a Catholic Church and arrived in Cozad, Nebraska, June 1976. He currently lives in Thornton, Colorado and has been working for 35 years as a Senior AME Tape Failure Analysis Engineer (Mechanical Engineer) for Storagetek, Sun Microsystems, and Product Senior Engineer for Oracle Corporation.
He graduated from Regis University in Technical Management. He and his wife have five children and ten grandchildren. All his children are married and have higher education degrees. He enjoys his time volunteering to help many churches, public schools, courthouses, police departments, immigration and non-profit organizations. He also dedicates many hours of personal time to help Laotian and Hmong refugees during his 34 years in the United States.
COL Vue was president of the Hmong Community Association of Western Nebraska in 1976-1979. During this time, he helped find churches or local sponsors for many refugee families. When the refugee families arrived, he helped them find jobs, housing, and the basic necessities for life. None of the families ended up on welfare or any other assistance from the U.S. government. Each of the families also became productive members in society in each of their own neighborhoods. The communities greatly welcomed the Hmong people since they added to the community.
In 1979-1981, COL Vue relocated to Boulder, Colorado, and upon his arrival he immediately went to work for the Hmong community. He set out finding housing and jobs for the new refugees. Though a number of these refugees spoke no English, COL Vue was successful in finding them work. This led to COL Vue being elected as President for the Hmong Community in Boulder County. Dealing closely with the local authority and community representatives, COL Vue quickly became a valuable resource as an interpreter. His services were utilized in legal and life-saving measures. His services were used extensively in Boulder County by the police, social services, and employment offices. He also volunteered his talents to Boulder Community Hospital and the Colorado Driver License Bureau as an interpreter. His ability to interface with non-English speaking and English-speaking individuals quickly became an asset for the different organizations in Boulder County. He also served as a counselor for the Asian youth in Boulder Valley schools. The Vietnamese and Cambodian communities also relied on COL Vue for these same services. He was also instrumental in setting up evening classes for older individuals for taking English as a second language.
Mr. Vue was elected to three terms as the President of Lao Family Community Associates, Inc. in 1982-1988. He aided them in furthering their education and strengthening job skills with his mentorship. The first project COL Vue volunteered for was the Lao Highland planned secondary resettlement project. Here he served on the Board of Directors. He oversaw English as a second language class daily for two years. This constant and dedicated attention aided the success of this class. This also earned him a “certificate of appreciation” from the State of Colorado. This made the transition from one culture to another a lot less traumatic for the new refugees.
COL Vue was instrumental in setting up and coordinating the “Refugees in America” Conference understanding the legal system in America. This also earned him a certificate of appreciation from the U.S. Department of Justice. This conference lasted for 2 days and was attended by 1,000 Southeast Asian refugees. The conference was held by local law enforcement agencies, lawyers, judges, and district attorneys from 4 Colorado counties. Also attending the conference was Mayor Pena from Denver. The conference aided the new refugees with the understanding of the laws and customs of America.