Beatrice Vang-Hazelton
board member
Ms. Vang-Hazelton is the sister of the late Major Vang Sue, one of the first Lao-Hmong T-28 pilots of the U.S. Secret War in Laos. Ms. Hazelton is from a well-known family closely related to Hmong Major General Vang Pao, the Region 2 Commander of the Lao-Hmong Special Guerrilla Units (SGU). Beatrice is an accomplished executive director, entrepreneur, and community volunteer. She immigrated to the United States in 1975 at the age of 14. Her college education includes completing programs at Bakersfield College, 1987 and Berkeley College MA, 1999. Motivated to help the Asian immigrant community, Beatrice founded and served as the Executive Director of the Kern Indochinese American Center (KIAC) in 1989. She leveraged her own experience as an immigrant and knowledge acquired as a dedicated, committed, and successful entrepreneur to make a difference for the underprivileged Asian communities in Central California in and near her home in the Bakersfield area.